В Yahoo Answers был задан следующий вопрос:
"Regarding Lisbon - would you agree that invalidating the result of a free & fair referendum is undemocratic?
Because that is exactly what our government have done. We had a vote on the Lisbon Treaty last year and the majority voted no, the majority voted against it. Yet, that result was invalidated and cast aside by our own government because it was not the result they wanted.
Does that not make a mockery of democracy? The reason they gave were that the people were confused, mislead by those campaigning for a no vote and didn't really know why they voted no. Sounds like something you'd hear happening in 3rd world countries. Does it matter why people ever vote yes or no in referendums, surely the only thing that matters is the democratic result? And when the free and democratic expression of the peoples will is cast aside that sets a very dangerous precedent, it usurps democracy. If you disagree then please do explain your position logically and rationally."
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