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Старый 28.01.2011, 06:34   #31
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Становится все роднее и роднее
Сначала David McWilliams со Сталинградом,
NAMA money pit could be our economic Stalingrad | David McWilliams

Теперь следущий тишок с ленинградом

This is the introduction to the speech Kenny made at the launch of the Trust Barometer 2011 today:
I am pleased to be here to launch the latest Edelman Trust Barometer. It comes at a time when the need to restore trust was never stronger. This day, in 1944, the Siege of Leningrad was lifted. 900 days of horror. But, in that time, the great art treasures of The Hermitage were hidden. Shostakovich composed his Seventh Symphony.
Amid the wreckage of their city and their lives, students sat and passed their university exams.
By this day, 27 January, 650,000 people died. But the human spirit endured and life went on.
In a sense, the people of Ireland, have been under siege. Though in our case, there was no enemy bombardment. Instead, it was friendly fire: the banks, property developers, ‘experts’, watchdogs. The government. Those gifted with the most precious possessions a democrat has – their trust, their vote. But still, we endure. For too many of us, life has changed. Changed utterly. But, still, life goes on.
'Take them out and shoot them' (C) Michael O'Leary about Irish top management
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Старый 28.01.2011, 10:12   #32
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Сообщение от Nathalia Посмотреть сообщение
Удивительно, как некоторым удается занять позицию страуса даже при отсутствии песка вокруг. Мне один умный человек недавно сказал об Ирландии - Wе аре цоунтры оф нободы.
Некоторые Ваши соотечественники (из бывшего и нонешнего отечества) месяцами безуспешно ищут работу и доедают последний перец без соли. Недавно знакомый ирландец согласился работать на Вритиш милитари в разрез своим убеждениям республиканца - потому как здесь работы нет! А образование у него, кстати, местное высшее университетское, + знание языков и опыт работы.
Просто смешно Вас читать ей богу - ну как дите малое - Я работаю на процветающую компанию... Молчите уж - не зглазте - и темы подобные не читайте!
У моего мужа на работе постоянно требуются люди, НО там нужно пахать, а деньги не такие уж и хорошие. Ирландцев там почти нет...Кому нужно выжить, будет унитазы драить сутками имея хоть 10 дипломов.
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Kalargon (28.01.2011), ket (29.03.2011), magician (28.01.2011), Mithrilian (28.01.2011), Sleepwalker (28.03.2011), vadzen (31.05.2011), Vecais (28.01.2011)
Старый 28.03.2011, 07:29   #33
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Metal prices spark spate of thefts

They've stolen two one-tonne statues from the side of motorways, now scrap-metal thieves are lifting everything from manhole covers to telephone and power lines.

The spate of thefts is driven by the rising price of scrap metal. Sandra McGovern, from McGovern's Metal Recycling, said: "Steel is at ?200 per tonne, up from what would have been about ?30 per tonne six months ago. A couple of years ago people were throwing stuff away and now they are bringing it to scrap merchants."

Ms McGovern said that due to the increase there were now a couple of "fly-by-night operators" who would accept anything without question.

This week another roadside statue, 'The Bronze Lady' in Moate, Co Westmeath, was stolen.

The statue is too distinctive to sell on and it is believed that, like the 'Hitch-Hiker' installation, cut from its plinth near Monasterevin, Co Kildare, the thieves intend to melt it down for scrap value.

Both Eircom and the ESB have been hit over the past number of months. The high quantities of copper used in transmission wires have made them a prime target. Stripped cable, which is known as 'bright copper' in the scrap trade, is currently fetching ?5.30 per kilo.

Eircom has estimated the cost of the thefts at about ?250,000. A company spokesman said that there had been a number of cable thefts and that Eircom was working closely with gardai.

Eircom has also reported a huge increase in the number of manhole thefts in the greater Dublin area within the past fortnight.

The ESB also confirmed that some of its transmission cables were stolen last week.

A spokesman said: "ESB Networks treats any interference with its equipment and electricity system as an extremely serious matter due to the associated public safety risks and is engaging with An Garda Siochana regarding this incident.
'Take them out and shoot them' (C) Michael O'Leary about Irish top management
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Старый 28.03.2011, 08:57   #34
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the thieves intend to melt it down for scrap value.
Интересно где?

Да и вообще, по приезду сюда я был вполне удивлён огромным количеством нержавейки вокруг и её спокойным оставанием на месте. Теперь, похоже, будет тенденция к её исчезновению. 2011 в Ирландии удивительно смахивает на 1991 в (б)СССР. Назад в 90-е?
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Старый 29.03.2011, 12:17   #35
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немножко местного колорита, чтобы не казалось что совсем дома
одна банда социалистических гопников замочила других уголовных марксистов за поцарапанную машину
Gunned down for 'vandalism'

Monday March 28 2011
VANDALISM to a car sparked the shooting of three men in a Dublin park, gardai believe.
And the trio may have been caught up in the crossfire of a bloody turf war between the Real IRA and the INLA.
One victim, David Morgan, was shot twice in the back of the head.
Morgan (21) and cousins Gary and Christopher Gleeson were targeted after a car owned by a pal of a RIRA member was vandalised.
“The Real IRA wanted to be seen to do something about the act and shot these guys although there is nothing whatsoever to say they were involved,” said a source.
Another source said: “It’s a turf war for supremacy between the two groups. The RIRA wanted to show they are in charge and took slight when a friend of a RIRA member had his car vandalised.
“That’s why three men have been shot; something as simple as that and they three guys got caught up in the crossfire between the INLA and RIRA,” said the source.
Detectives today carried out searches as they hunted the two RIRA assassins ordered to carry out the hit at Corduff Park, Blanchardstown.
Luckily the normally busy park was virtually deserted as young footballers participated in the John Giles Walk of Dreams in the city centre.
David Morgan was critically ill after he was shot twice in the head when he stumbled while trying to flee. One bullet lodged under his right eye after travelling through his brain, and he may not survive the cold blooded attack.
Morgan was a personal friend of a Dublin INLA member and was known to gardai for anti-social behaviour in the local area, sources told the Herald.
“That’s the size of the INLA connection. Morgan was targeted simply because he hung around with a guy who is an INLA heavy.”
Gary and Christopher Gleeson were drinking vodka in the park with Morgan when the two armed and masked man strolled up to them, pulled on balaclavas and opened fire with .38 Smith and Wesson Special revolvers.
The Gleesons managed to run to a nearby house, having sustained gunshot injuries, but Morgan fell and was shot in the head.
A source told the Herald: “The Real IRA have shot major criminals in the past but this is the first time they tried to kill people for a low level matter – like vandalism. They were prepared to murder three people for this.”
While Morgan was shot in the head, the Gleeson cousins were both hit in the body but fled on foot to a nearby estate where they raised the alarm. The two gunmen fled the scene on foot through the park to Edgewood Lawns, a nearby estate.
The three injured men were taken to James Connolly hospital, Blanchardstown and the Mater. .
The condition of Gary and Christopher Gleeson is described as serious. All three victims were known to gardai. Christopher Gleeson was jailed for seven years for a brutal assault which left a schoolteacher in a coma.
Gleeson pleaded guilty to assault causing serious harm during an attack in 2003 and was sentenced to seven years in jail with the final three suspended.
He was one of seven-strong gang who set upon Edward Fanning outside his home in Mulhuddart as his son enjoyed his first birthday party inside. He was left in a coma for several days.
Locals in Corduff were shocked at the shooting today, as an under 14 team from Corduff Football Club were training in the park at the time of the shooting,
Today officers drove in convoy to the Corduff area to carry out searches. Around ten officers quickly entered one home and left the house after around half and hour.
'Take them out and shoot them' (C) Michael O'Leary about Irish top management
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Старый 29.03.2011, 12:36   #36
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A source told the Herald: “The Real IRA have shot major criminals in the past but this is the first time they tried to kill people for a low level matter – like vandalism. They were prepared to murder three people for this.”
Что RIRA, что INLA - два сапога пара. Попытки отбелить одних, очернив других наивны.

Давно известно, что обе организации уже стали фактически ОПГ, торгуют наркотиками и оружием.

Так что когда говорят, что одна группировка наказывает кого-то за вандализм (то, что они убирали известных бандитов, в том числе Генерала - так это из-за собственных разборок и дележа между ними), просто смешно.
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Старый 29.03.2011, 19:22   #37
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а новость хорошая, как ни крути...
Everyone smiles in the same language
...Не делить с подонками хлеба,
Перед лестью не падать ниц... (c)А.Галич
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Старый 29.03.2011, 22:43   #38
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а новость хорошая, как ни крути...
А то! Хулиганы наказаны, их обидчиков тоже ищут, люди не пострадали - сплошное торжество справедливости
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Старый 30.03.2011, 07:04   #39
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Metal prices spark spate of thefts
А нет ли в этом заголовке разжигания розни и ненависти по отношению к социальной группе, живущей в вагончиках около помойки!?
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Старый 31.03.2011, 08:34   #40
Заслуженный Участник
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Видимо из той же серии:
В дублинском заливе нашли... руку серийного насильника. Остается догадываться, что стало с оставшимися частями тела:
Sleepwalker вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 31.03.2011, 09:16   #41
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Откуда: Дублин-Ко Тао
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Наверное, по татуировкам поняли, чья рука
Зорко одно лишь сердце. Главное глазами не увидишь(с)
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Старый 31.03.2011, 09:24   #42
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Сообщение от Countess Посмотреть сообщение
Наверное, по татуировкам поняли, чья рука
Определили по ДНК Интерпол. Товарищ сидел в Великобритании, а там у преступников берут ДНК и заносят в специальную базу данных. Тут этого нет.
Results of tests on DNA samples taken from the limb conducted by Interpol officers based in the French city of Lyon confirmed earlier this week that they match other samples taken from Nolan a few years ago
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Старый 18.04.2011, 12:20   #43
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Машины стали на запчасти угонять
Stash of stolen car parts found after gardai target gang
AN 'Aladdin's Cave' of stolen car parts has been uncovered by gardai after a raid targeting a major crime gang.

Hundreds of thousands of euro worth of stolen cars and car parts were seized in the swoop on a warehouse in Co Meath.

The haul has been described by a senior garda as "one of the most significant in the past 12 months".

Three middle-aged men were arrested and charged under the Criminal Justice, Theft and Fraud Offences Act with handling a stolen vehicle. Further charges are expected in the coming weeks.

The men were questioned by gardai before being released on bail pending court appearances later this month.

All are considered senior figures in the gang, which, along with two other crime syndicates, accounts for the majority of car thefts in the greater Dublin area.

Following the arrests, gardai experienced an immediate and noticeable decrease in levels of recorded car crime.

Officers from the National Bureau of Criminal Investigation carried out the raid on an isolated warehouse near Dunshaughlin, Co Meath, last week.

The gang used the warehouse to run a legitimate car-parts business as a front for its activities by selling goods online and through magazines.


Hundreds of parts from 18 separate cars were seized by gardai in the raid. They also recovered one complete vehicle that the gang had not yet dismantled.

Criminals are typically paid ?1,000 for every stolen car they deliver. But once dismantled, the parts from a family saloon can easily net higher-up members of a gang ?10,000.

Any parts containing serial numbers that could be traced to a stolen vehicle had been dumped by the gang.

They had also disposed of all but one of the engines from the stolen cars.
'Take them out and shoot them' (C) Michael O'Leary about Irish top management
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Старый 18.04.2011, 17:54   #44
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Откуда: Wonderland
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Гардейцы хотят чтобы им крышевать оффициально разрешили
Garda ban on 'nixers' should be lifted, say supervisors

GARDA supervisors want to end the ban on members of the force carrying out 'nixers'.

Gardai are prevented from double jobbing if the other employment is in the drinks or security industries.

Management regulations prohibit members from holding down jobs such as pub bouncers or barmen.

Now the Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors (AGSI) is to debate whether they want the ban lifted at its annual conference, which gets under way in Limerick this evening.

The conference will consider a motion from the Tipperary division directing its national executive to call on Garda Commissioner Martin Callinan and Justice Minister Alan Shatter to remove a section of the Garda Code relating to prohibited spare-time activities, and to withdraw the regulation.

Delegates will argue that the motion reflects an economic reality where members have suffered pay cuts of up to 20pc, with younger personnel struggling to pay mortgages on houses bought in the boom
В газете правда забыли упомянуть факт что больше половины гардейцев купили в длополнении к домам для жилья еще недвижимости под сдачу....
'Take them out and shoot them' (C) Michael O'Leary about Irish top management
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vadzen (31.05.2011)
Старый 23.04.2011, 08:28   #45
Откуда: Ailesbury Rd, D4
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А вот тоже неплохо - покраска травы зданий к визиту дорогого гостя

To ensure the presidential feet are made as comfortable as possible, the pavements are being dug up, re-laid and smoothed over. It is just one of many improvements being made.

Houses on the main street are being cleaned with power-hoses. Gardens are being tidied, new flowers are being planted.

The air in Moneygall is filled with the smell of paint. It seems like every spare brush in County Offaly is being used.

Every house is being made to look its best, in preparation for the visit, which is likely to take place on Monday 23 May.
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