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Старый 26.03.2015, 10:38   #11
Заслуженный Участник
Откуда: Dublin
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По умолчанию Re: PayPal мошенничество

ну вот посыпались письма от пейпал.
1. Mar 18
We were recently notified that this payment was made without the account holder's permission, or was the result of a transaction error. We've placed a temporary hold on this transaction while we investigate.

деньги ушли с пейпал, ну или по крайне мере я их уже не видел на своём аккаунте.

2. Mar 18
To help resolve this issue and be eligible for Seller Protection, log in to your PayPal account within the next 7 days and respond to our request for information in your Resolution Center.
If you've already shipped the merchandise, please let us know which shipping company you used, and provide the tracking number.

Зашел в resolution center , а там все опций не подходящие мне. Ну я подумал что пейпал будет всегда на стороне покупателя, что если буду игнорить быстрее закроется кейс.

3. Mar 24
Recently we notified you that an unauthorized activity claim had been filed against a transaction you received. You have four more calendar days to
respond to our request for additional information. After that, we will continue our investigation without your input.

Не прошло и 2 дня:

4. Mar 25
Recently we reminded you that you had limited time to respond with information regarding a transaction that may involve funds from an unauthorized source. Since you have not responded, we will continue our investigation without your input.
Ну наконец-то

5. Mar 26
We have completed our investigation of the transaction below and were unable to find evidence of unauthorized access to the buyer’s account. This case was denied to the buyer and no funds were recovered from your account.

деньги вернулись на аккаунт.

и что теперь?
Странно всё это .Как то быстро все решилось и как бы не правильно.
где подвох?
xandrey вне форума   Ответить с цитированием

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